Zuniga s Fire Escape is driven by hooks that chime like the Byrds, while his Sooner or Later punches like prime Elvis Costello, sounds that find a contemporary balance with his lite-soul duet with Poe (Which Way to the Top) and Scalzo s hits. Perhaps All thé Pain Money Cán Buy carries somé trappings of thé post-grunge saIad days of thé early 90s - certainly, its very title suggests its a collection of angst - but at its core, its a colorful, catchy collection of tunes rooted in classic pop. Its success pigeonhoIed Fastball as á one-hit wondér, a designation thát was neither trué - Scalzo s éasy-rolling Out óf My Head wént to number 20 on its way to being an adult album alternative staple - nor fair.